
Official By-Laws

rmfcm-logo-mdRocky Mountain Chapter

Memberships include:

Full membership – In the local chapter, full membership is only available to active members of the International FCM. (Membership applications may be obtained on the FCM website, Only those with full membership may hold office and/or vote in chapter elections or for any other chapter decisions.

Regular Membership – If you are not a member of the international FCM you may still hold this membership which give you all rights and privileges except for voting and holding an office.

Family Membership – A family membership includes all members of your immediate family (those living in one household.) All family members shall be considered regular members except for those with active memberships in the international FCM who will for all purposes be considered as full members.

Yearly Membership Fees:

Full Membership – $20.00 (must have active Int. FCM membership number)

Regular Membership – $20.00

Family Membership – $25.00

All memberships span from January through December. Members joining after January will pay prorated fee.

Visitors are allowed to visit three meetings and encouraged to participate in the activities of the chapter. After three visits, they must become a member of the Rocky Mountain Chapter, FCM and if desiring full membership, a member of the International FCM as well.

Officers and Office Requirements:

Reference to the chapter must be used when the title of the office of President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Past President is used in accordance with Article 4, Section 6 of the FCM constitution. (Example: Andrew Adams, President, Rocky Mountain Chapter FCM.)

Elected Offices

  • President
  • First Vice President
  • Second Vice President (an optional position)
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer

Appointed Positions

  • Webmaster
  • All Conference Coordinator positions
Officers Descriptions:

All officers are responsible for communicating with other officers and finding others to fulfill their duties when they are not available.


  1. Heads up the meetings.
  2. Communicates with vice president and other officers to be sure workshop topics and other club affairs are in order and happening as planned.
  3. Makes final decisions in club affairs after appropriate discussions with other officers.
  4. Is responsible for taking any necessary disciplinary actions.
  5. Is responsible for meeting location.
  6. Handles elections for the next year.

Vice President

  1. Sets up and organizes monthly meeting topics (hopefully with input from other officers.)
  2. Sends email notices about upcoming meetings.
  3. Heads up meetings when president is absent.
  4. Holds overall responsibility for the vice president office when a second VP is also in office.

Second Vice President (an optional position)

  1. Helps First Vice President with all duties.
  2. Introduces the speakers when First Vice President is absent from meetings.


  1. Keeps records of meetings, topics, and discussions.
  2. Communicates as necessary with FCM and Voice magazine.
  3. Makes sure club info is correct in Voice magazine and on website.
  4. Composes, sends, and tracks any official club correspondence.
  5. Sets up officers meetings and communicates with individuals to find best time and place etc.


  1. Collects, deposits, and documents membership dues.
  2. Communicates with secretary to keep mailing list up to date.
  3. Maintains club banking account(s) and gives periodic financial reports to officers and members.
  4. Pays the clubs bills and makes necessary payments as needed.
Appointed Positions


  1. Maintains and monitors the clubs website.
  2. Makes necessary website changes as needed or facilitates others to do so.
  3. Makes sure club emails are working and forwarding to proper places
Conference Specific Positions (appointed) –

Conference Coordinator

  1. Is in charge of all coordination in reference to the annual CMC conference.
  2. Invites workshop leaders and schedules workshops and their topics.
  3. Calls for and facilitates Conference meetings (inviting all appropriate organizers and club officers)
  4. Appoints organizers for all conference functions.
  5. Monitors organizers to be sure everything is going according to plan.
  6. Makes final decisions as to conference name, topics, etc.

Registration Organizer 

  1. Maintains registration list and conference mailing list.
  2. Prints name badges and puts together conference packets.
  3. Mans registration table and checks people in as they arrive.
  4. Monitors info table (Registration table when not registering)

Dealer Organizer  

  1. Communicates with and schedules possible dealers.
  2. Maps dealer area
  3. Arrives early to help dealers find thier places and get what they need.

Public Show Organizer 

  1. Organizes and schedules the Public show
  2. Communicates with conference presenters about MC and performances.
  3. Communicates with sound people and performers about sound needs.
  4. Heads up the Friday afternoon walk through/talk through.

Meals Organizer 

  1. Determines the meals and food choices for the conference provided meals, snacks and coffee.
  2. Picks up the food, and/or arranges for the delivery, storage and serving of it.
  3. Is responsible to set up and decorate dining area.

Hospitality Organizer  

  1. Is in charge of making sure workshop leaders and dealers are taken care of and appreciated.
  2. Should provide some sort of gift for said workshop leaders and dealers.


An Example of a Structured Monthly Meeting Follows:

  • Opening Prayer
  • Reports and/or Announcements
  • Teaching Time
  • Special Lecturer or Featured Performer
  • Trick Time (Optional)
  • Open performance (Optional)
  • Closing Prayer
  • Reconvene to local restaurant for fellowship and discussion.

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